DEUTZ Coolant Core Protect

Protection all year round.

DEUTZ Approval system for cooling system protective agents.

All water-cooled engines require an effective cooling system protective agent to sustainably maintain the function of the engine. The use of unsuitable protective agents often leads to leaks in the cooling system due to corrosion and degradation of the sealing materials. In addition, it can lead to pitting on the aluminum components as well as flocculation, which can build up and block the cooling ducts. This damage can cause the engine to overheat and, as a result, cause severe engine damage.

Product features
  • Perfectly calibrated to all components in DEUTZ engines
  • Reliably prevents corrosion, cavitation and freezing
  • Low maintenance requirements
  • Replacement only necessary every four years
  • Free of nitrites and amines, silicates and phosphates
  • Approved in accordance with DQC CB-14

DEUTZ Premium Additives

With DEUTZ Premium Additives, you can now increase your engines performance and save on operating costs. Our specialized fuel additives and urea solutions are the perfect match for your engine.

InSyPro Plus

2-1 Diesel additive - especially for use with biodiesel blends


Fuel additive to increase starting reliability


Fuel additive to increase cold resistance

More information about DEUTZ Coolant Core Protect

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